Welcome on Mz Records Web Site.

Musical albums

MAR012 – Notes en marge de Goëmons
MAR011 – Ecume de Mai
MAR06 – Ookpik
MAR05 – Carnet de Croquis d’un Voyageur Immobile

MAR04 – Extenz’O

MAR03 – Piano solo
MAR02 – Bjurström / Rocher

MAR01 – On a marché sous la pluie

Young audience albums

MARL01 – Le voyage d’Hipollène
MARS01 – Le Voleur et la Princesse

Bjurström Sextet: albums from Le Bon Alouate

Bjurström Sextet: Sous l’étrange Lumière des Fantômes
Bjurström Sextet: Doucement au Réveil

Mz Records (previously named Marmouzic) was created in 2000 to support the musical works of Christofer Bjurström and Christophe Rocher. The label publishes musical albums and albums for younger audiences (from Compagnie Marmouzic). Now it supports mainly Christofer Bjurström’s and Cie Marmouzic’s albums, but it is open to other musicians.

The records are sold on website Les Allumés du Jazz

You will also find them on Mz Records Bandcamp