Christophe Rocher: clarinets and pipes
Olivier Benoît: guitar
Edward Perraud: drums
Co-production Marmouzic / Le Pannonica / IUFM des Pays de Loire September 2006
Published in September 2007
To mix the sound material, to create an instant world in the midst of a permanent rev
olution. The entangled rhythms, the most surprising sounds, the violence and the sweetness min
gle; then a musical poetry is born without concession… Three sonic and musical stories are told…
What the press said
“Eleven collective compositions/improvisations make up this first album by the trio Extenz’O, and suggest one after the other a development. It really feels like the shock and fusion of three universes in the total freedom of the moment.
The clarinetist Christophe Rocher, an activist improviser from Brest (member of the Art Ensemble of Brest in particular), the guitarist Olivier Benoit, who was heard alongside Joelle Léandre, Christophe Marguet or the circum collective and the drummer Edward Perraud, whose many projects and appearances are no longer counted, each give us the feeling of approaching a dialogue in which it is a matter of defining a common point , without ever resealing, without the slightest concession, but with a constant concern for construction.
How do you describe what you’re hearing? Perhaps we can suggest that we are witnessing here the slow maturation of a music. The sounds meet and organize themselves over the beaches to suggest amazing paintings, in which one could almost visualize colors and above all seem to release a strange poetry that I would be hard pressed to define further.
This album is a great example of the best the improvised music of our time and I can only advise you to get it. In addition, it is a beautiful object made with obvious graphic care …
Pierre Villeret, Macao, November 07
“Extenz’O: A warmly recommendable group. The guitar’s frenzied rhythmic pulsations, the facetious sinuousness of the clarinets and the inventive spouting of percussive frictions go hand in hand. »
Improjazz, Claude Colpaert, May 2006
“Extenz’O a sonic journey. Dark and sober at will. So-called concrete music where each movement oscillates between improvisation and strength, between snippets of conventional jazz and cacophony. Between free jazz and Rock energy, between school know-how and sound diversions. An impromptu dialogue, a protest, a demand. Noise and silence therefore music, but freedom first. And most of all. »
Region 8, Velibor Colic, June 2006.